Keep Ahead.



Keep Ahead

Our brains can just annoy us sometimes. It holds information, stores thoughts, pieces of our past, and it reminds us of things we are trying to completely remove and remember no more.

  Ever just get completely annoyed with being constantly reminded of terrible things that we’ve done, shouldn’t have done, or things you wish you can change all together?

Our minds have a way of constantly replaying  negative embarrassing things that have occurred some point in our personal, financial and business life. When this happens it always snatches our strength for the present, and the future.  It makes you feel trapped in your poor decisions that it almost always grabs your smile & happiness.  Sometimes it even tries to cover your eyes to the beauty in life.   By trying to keep your head stuck in the dirt too ashamed to fully enjoy life. It’s annoying isn’t?



Keep Ahead

Things occur, friends change, people walk away, jobs shut down, dreams & goals take big hits of setbacks, hearts get broken, people lie, & mistakes are made. All of these things occur in some area in your life & it can be heart wrenching & painful. However don’t let those factors dig into your core.  Keep moving forward. Yes keep moving forward, which most of the time is your only option.



Stay remindful  that these things are not uncommon or unusual and they don’t determine who you are. Yes we make mistakes, form habits, get hurt, and have done things that are completely embarrassing . However, there is no need to constantly dwell on the things that we have done in the past or yesterday because all it does is waste time, robs us of  our own happiness and keeps us stuck.   Keep these three things with you.

Follow your own voice

Follow your own voice & path. Never settle to live the life that others want you to live. Listen  to your own voice, not the noise of others, or the noise of your guilt, fear, previous mistakes & failures. Never let those voices  drown out your own voice & path you want for your own life.

Never look back.

You are no longer that individual, and you cannot change what has happened all you can do is carve out a brand new life. Leaving the rest to rust. Re-write your story, there is a brighter life out there for you. Do not look back. Stay focused in the present and prepare for the future.


Never take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself because after life is one big party.  Enjoy and cherish every single moment because you will never have that moment again. Your life is playing now don’t waste it replaying  things you can’t change. Laugh at yourself.  Be kind to yourself & others, being kind  doesn’t change the issue but it prevents the circumstance from  tormenting and changing you (for the worse). Therefore be nice to you.

#Lifenote: Life is a gift and your friend! Write all your troubles in the sand. Keep moving on with a bright attitude no matter what had/has  happened.


Keep ahead


Learn to laugh now.


The end is just another beginning. Smile


Pass this along


Unhappy at Work? #Quit!

 Yes that’s right Quit! Q-U-I-T!

I know we are programmed not to be quitters or even dare to think quitting is an option.

 BUT Just  think about this for a second.

On your way to work do you countdown  your days until Friday?

Do you get enjoyment out of completing your  assignments and tasks?


Imagine doing what you are currently doing at your job for the next thirty or forty years.

Imagine. Think.

If that picture doesn’t look too bright it is time for a career change. I know I know everyday wisdom tells you, you should be happy that you have a job and that you are on someone’s payroll. And I completely agree. However, I believe its completely insane to spend your time and energy going to work every single day, performing the same routine, leaving annoyed, purposeless and empty because society tells you to be grateful for what you have. Don’t settle for where your at or be stuck in the same workplace or position due to silly factors such as fear or a failing economy.

Let’s make today the day! That you begin searching within in yourself and determine what you want to spend your life doing, because quite honestly you cannot afford to be unhappy and stay in the same place.

Just for a few minutes sit and think what would you become if you didn’t have to be constantly concerned with worry, fear, bills, or odd circumstances on your mind?

#Issue: Well, I don’t know what I am good at?

I believe sometimes we don’t know what we are good at because we never try. Look at everything as a opportunity, I quite frankly didn’t know a lot of my capabilities until I tried. Sometimes all it takes is research, volunteering or even picking up part-time work in a field your interested in.

You will never know until you try.

Ask around, research different careers that may interest you. Take online assessment and personality tests. Have previous supervisors and co-workers evaluate your performance to examine your strengths & weakness. If that option isn’t available put yourself out there and TRY. Trust me you will learn quickly.

Now what I am not saying is quit your job today because you hate your job to search for something greater. That’s a bold and tough move(trust me I’m living proof).In fact if you absolutely hate your job, pretend that you love it. You never know who is watching your performance, and it forces you to mature and become the professional that is on the inside of you. Keep your head in the game always  wearing a smile, after all that’s your preparation for building your new life.

#LifeNote– Always let your work speak for itself, 80% of the jobs I’ve worked where offered or referred from people that I had the opportunity to serve or assist.

If you try and fail, get back up. If your work or volunteering doesn’t work out, don’t let it destroy or discourage you. Don’t attach yourself to failures or mistakes. Learn from them  and Keep Moving.

Today I want to push you to take a leap in faith, if there is something that you have thrown away or given up on. I beg you to consider them possibilities again. No matter what the career move, business idea, or position maybe I encourage you to take a second look. If you have to work several jobs, to go back to school, or to make ends meet. Do it! View it as a deposit and sacrifice while you create your career.

Don’t stay stuck living paycheck to paycheck, or even unhappy in your current job. You have the ability to change anything and everything about your life that you are unhappy about! Don’t stay stuck or discourage re-build your future. View everything you experience on this journey as an investment in your  life.

 There is a brand new life out there waiting for you to fight for it.

Don’t Give Up.

Find out who you are on purpose.

 Wear brand new eyes

Always Believe.


Go On.


Imagine  that you are engaged to be married to the love of your life. The wedding is a few weeks away, invitations are sent out, all of the expenses have been paid, you are soaked in excitement and urgency to begin your new life with your soulmate. And then all of sudden….. your significant other dies. What would you do?  This painful experience would make anyone and mostly everyone give up on life and quit! What would you do if life just blindsided you and the knocked the hope out of you?

This is a True Story.

A man in his twenties was engaged to the woman of his dreams. Everything was set in place and in order for the wedding, the young vibrant couple was simply waiting for the day to arrive, then in a matter of days his fiancée became sick and died. The grieving groom went into severe depression. Shortly before his fiancée died he had already experienced his own personal devastions with job losses, defeats  and two business failures. He felt ashamed. How was he going to face his friends, family and the world? How could he look beyond his failures and tragedy?

He almost didn’t. His emotional depression became so severe that he was placed in an insane asylum where he received treatment. After weeks, he  began to come around and after two months  he came out of his dark place. He buried the love of his life and moved forward with his life. He later on got married and raised his family. But in that time of crisis as a twenty-something year old  he almost threw it all away, he almost committed suicide. He almost put an end to it all.

He went on

That man went on to become the President of the United States. That man is Abraham Lincoln. Today he is still noted as the greatest and most effective President in America’s History. He held the nation together through the heart-wrenching civil war. He emancipated the slaves. Abraham was truly a great man and leader. Yet he could have chosen to end his days in a mental institute on the heels of great loss and tragedy. His faith, and the quality decision to continue to move on carried him through painful loss, tragedy and devastation.

That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others  can achieve it as well.

-Abraham Lincoln


There is always Life after tragedy, a bright future after failure, and Purpose after Pain.

Be inspired . Pass this along.



Shrug it off & Show your Face!!

Shrug it off & Show your face!!





Failing Marriage






Shrug it off & Show your face! Yes that’s right!! Show your face!

 Life can sometimes weigh you down & just sting, burn and hurt! The disappointing parts and losses of our lives can try to eat away at our hope. When these annoying parts occur it almost destroys our ability to believe in ourselves when everything and everyone is telling you to shut up, pack up, go home and cry.

 Shrug it off  and give us one more spark!

Bad things happen to everyone! Sometimes you can’t avoid it or change it. It happens, it doesn’t really matter what happens to you its more important on what happens on the inside of you. You can’t stop now. Show your face, draft a new plan, walk, crawl or leap, but never let the bad things that occur in life stop you from you.

So what do you do when these frightful things happen?

You just have to remind yourself that this isn’t me, this is something that happened to me.

The failures, and ugly parts of life don’t define who  you are or determine what type of life you will have or the person you are.

Keep going no matter what is shoved in your face, you are NOT your bank account, sickness, statistic or failure. Shrug it off.

Don’t forget to Smile.


Thank You. Mr. Martin


Thank you Mr. Martin for your unwavering faith.

Thank you Mr. Martin for your kind heart.

Thank you Mr. Martin for your sacrifice.

Thank you Mr. Martin for your dream.

Thank you Mr. Martin for your never ending love in all people.

Thank you Mr. Martin for your courage.

Thank you Mr. Martin for always believing in humanity.

 I will always be honored to be a black woman, the price that was paid for my freedom will never go unnoticed or taken for granted. The struggle, tears, pain and embarrassment of my people will never be in vain. I was fought for, cried for, I was prayed for, I was died for.                           

       I am the dream             mlk08


Thank You.


#FactFriday- Just 8% of People achieve their New Years Resolutions?


Don’t be discouraged! Become that Eight Percent! Studies have shown that roughly  40 percent of Americans create New Year Resolutions and out of that percentage only eight percent continue with their goals. SCREW THAT! We are that 8%!!! I have some helpful information to keep you focused!!

Keep it Simple!

Create small attainable goals throughout the year, rather than an enormous goal that will frustrate you entirely, set smaller goals to obtain the final goal.

It isn’t necessarily the extent of the change, its more constructive to keep steady working towards your goals take  it one step at a time.

Create an action plan don’t just say your going to lose weight, make it fun! Modify your intake weekly, don’t just jot “going to the gym in 2013”  set a clear plan, like attending spinning classes twice a week .

Keep believing you can do it!

A lot of people abandon their goals due to curves and bumps in life that throw them off course, keep YOUR GOALS  in your face. By simply creating goals does increase your chance of achieving them. Keep believing!

Find more information on goal setting and time management on Quality reads for your New Year!

Keep Going!


Write it OUT!


This is the most empowering time of the year! This is the time where we plan on making changes, become a better person, work towards new ventures in life such as weight loss, new employment, or even going back to school. However, I encourage you this year not to just think about a few things you will like to accomplish, I challenge you to write your goals out! No matter how big or small your goals are, write them out and keep them in your face. Write them out!

 Things  happen when  you write your goals out

  • It becomes a written contract to yourself that motivates you to achieve them
  •  It avoids you trying to remembering them and forgetting about them
  • It challenges you to create an action plan

Let’s get started! Here below I have  effective ways to writing out your goals

  • Write your goals down on a big and clean piece of paper.
  •  Add more details to each of your goals.
  •  Set a deadline for your goals. Be realistic with the date
  •  Come up with a action plan on how you’ll achieve your goals. Stimulate your creativity.
  •  Again, write down this plan, which now becomes a new goal in itself.
  •  Repeat everything until you’ve unloaded everything in your mind.

I keep all of my goals in my face everyday, I create reminders to myself, because sometimes  your everyday routine can sometimes keep you so busy that you  lose your focus on what you plan on accomplishing . By writing out your goals they become tattoo-ed inside your mind which will spark enthusiasm to achieve every one of them.

Another helpful habit I found is to check your progress mid year (June 1) to see how much you have accomplished. You will be pleasantly surprised with your progress when you keep them in front of you! It doesn’t matter how far away you are  from your goals, you are closer than you think. Never lose sight of your goals keep them in front of you daily , so no matter what is shoved in your face you still have that main road map of what you are going to accomplish. Write them out!

A goal isn’t a goal until someone laughs at it.

Stay Encouraged.


Happy New You


Woo-Hoo another year is under our belt!!  I am personally thrilled to pieces  on this new day and new age we face! I believe that we will march together hand in hand, walking tall brighter, bolder & stronger in this new year, despite every single setback, loss, and heartbreak that was shoved in our  face.  I believe we will accomplish & finish everything we have  demanded our brains to complete this year. No matter how difficult, painful or impossible it may appear. Get up! Gear up and Go after 2013 with brand new eyes!! Let nothing or no one destroy the dream you have  inside yourself. Give No obstacle, No adversity, or annoying circumstance the power to shake your faith. Today is a new beginning and a New Year. Fix your eyes, Pick up the pieces, Get back on your feet & Dream again.  Be Proud of who you are. && Never Give Up.

Always Believe


The Great Debate! Rent vs Buy Your Home?

Many people are asking me the question “When is the  right time to buy my home?” . Extremely low interest rates, lots of  inventory  and cheap prices are all the reasons that make buying more attractive than renting. I am also asked often “What is the big difference between buying and renting?”  “Why should I buy? Well let’s take a look at a few of the factors to weigh when making the choice to buy or to rent your home.

When you choose to buy your home

Buying your home is one of the biggest investments that you will ever make. When you have created a comfortable space for yourself financially,(i.e. steady income for 2 years)  buying  your home will be a wise financial decision for you. Decreased home prices have created great opportunities for first-time homebuyers in many part of the nation. The cool aspects and advantages of homeownership are as follows:

  • Tax deductions
  • Potential Price appreciation
  • Building Equity
  • The amazing feeling of liberty and pride that follows along with owning your own home

When you chose to rent someone else home

Owning your home is a wise decision for your financial future, there are some occasions and circumstances when it makes greater financial sense to rent someone else home. Never buy your home if you are unsure whether or not you want to live in a particular area for an extended time period.  Buying your home is a commitment and a long-term investment. Standard rule of thumb you should always purchase your home keeping in mind you will be in your home for at least five years.

Also, be honest with yourself and understand your personal situation.  I know sometimes you experience terrible setbacks, that are big life changes as divorce, death in the family, loss of job. Which may make buying your own home appear impossible, which is not! There are several programs available to make buying your home afforable and very possible.

 No matter your unique case or circumstance! Bounce back to buy!Ask me how!

 Which one do you think is the better financial decision for you? Do you think there are cases when renting is a better decision than home ownership?

** For further information in regards to homeownership, contact me directly**

Hello All!

Welcome All!!! Thank you for visiting my blog  which is spilled from my sweet brain. I  created this  for you to keep you informed on all aspects of real estate!! This is my very very first post!! Read up and Enjoy!!! Contact me, speak to me!! I want to know who you are!!! I am very excited to launch my services to you!!! Feel free to contact me anytime!!  Enjoy your Day!!

With Love


